Hey Blog People, Guess what! Exciting news! My Visa came in the mail! I can officially get over to Italy. My dad got the notification that the package had arrived, and I opened it last night and there it was: my Italian Visa. Now that I have my passport and Visa, I could leave tomorrow if I really had to. It got to Chicago on August 2 and got back to me on August 28. Not long at all. In other news, I have been doing a lot of shopping and prepping for Italy. I have started my list of things to bring. It is very hard to pack your life into a suitcase or two. WITH weight limitations. Thankfully, I'll be back for Christmas, so I can bring winter stuff back with me. But I have to be prepared. I think the list is coming along well so far. And so is my Italian. Kind of. I'm working on it, ok? I don't want to be completely in the dark when I get there, and at least now I can count to 100 and say address and order coffee, so I can survive for a bit. Anyway, just wanted to...