Ravenna & Bologna

Hello Blog People, I'm so sorry that I'm far behind on my entries. But I promise that the upcoming posts will be super long and exciting because I have been on some adventures recently. First, I will talk about a school trip I went on a few weeks ago to Ravenna and Bologna. I didn't know much about Ravenna before we visited. We covered it in our Fine Art and Monuments class, but that was a while ago. We drove there on the bus and after about 2 hours we made it into town. We walked from the bus stop to our first stop: The Basilica of San Vitale. This church was ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! First off, it was the first church built for Christianity. Most of the other first churches were originally pagan churches and they were turned into Christian ones. But this was one of the first churches BUILT for Christianity. You walk in and the whole ceiling is COVERED in mosaics. That is what Ravenna is famous for. It was so crazy to walk into this church and ...