La Famiglia in Italia

Hello Blog People, One of the highlights of the last semester was my family coming to visit me while I was studying abroad. The fact that they were going to come and see the life I was living there was such good motivation and kept me going in January and February. Those are usually pretty hard and being away from my family is always difficult, but knowing that they would come brought me a lot of comfort. Their general plan was to fly into Rome and visit me in Florence. After a few days, we all traveled to Switzerland for my spring break and then we stay in a small town where my mom has some friends. On March 21 my family landed in Rome. I was so so so so so so excited to see them. I took a train from Florence down to Rome. The first problem was that my parents didn’t have cell service so we set up a place to meet up when I got there. I knew where I was going because earlier that month I had been to Rome and the Rome train station, but they...