Reunion at Union

 Hello Blog People, 

I got to go on one last trip before I fly out to Italy. I was able to go back to Union and see all of my favorite people. It was an absolute blast 

I drove out on Friday and got there in time to go to Harvey's Harvest. (Harvey's Harvest is a special annual Campus Ministries and SA chapel that's off campus). I got to sing with some of my friends for the worship part and I didn't realize how much I missed that atmosphere until I was there again. I also found that randomly showing up and seeing friends I haven't seen for months brings me a certain sense of joy that cannot be compared to much else. That evening we had a surprise party for one of our friends and I got to just hang out with everyone in a group setting again. I couldn't help but recognize how grateful I felt to just be in the presence of all my friends again. 

Saturday I went to The Well and church at CVC. I thank God that I got to go back because I love that environment and the people so much. The music last week was superb. The worship team did a great job. Afterward, we went to Pioneer's Park for a picnic and an afternoon spent with friends. In the evening, I went with a group of my friends to the Morgan Wallen concert. That was very fun. Pinnacle Bank Arena was filled with country music fans, singing their hearts out to their favorite songs. Everyone's outfit was great, and all 10 of us had a great time. Morgan and ERNEST played Cowgirls, a special song that connects to one of my friends back home, and I sang my heart out on that one. I was able to sing along since I had been listening to the music for a few months, even though I didn't know I was going to go to the concert. Overall, it was a memorable night. 

On Sunday I had some appointments with some mentors of mine. My old boss and my "college mom" (basically) were some of the highlights of the day, as I got to sit down with them and talk about my thoughts and feelings about going abroad. They encouraged me as I grappled with the fact that I will be leaving for so long, and I'm so incredibly grateful to have such great spiritual mentors in my life. That evening I went line dancing, something that I haven't been able to do in months, with a small group of some of my best friends. I am now reminded of how much I love that activity. The loud music, everyone learning or dancing to the songs, and the constant movement are such a fun experience. The energy in the room is electrifying, and the whole night is a good workout. I spent quality time was spent with some of the people I love and we had a wonderful time. 

Monday was filled with some more formal meetings with faculty at Union, just to make sure that everything was set for me to go over to Italy. I met with SFS to nail down a financial plan and met with my advisor to figure out my classes for the year. I wanted to be sure that by the end of this, I would come out with a Foreign Language Minor without any issues. Plus I got my school picture taken, and the photographer said I had "the Britain smile" (for context, he knew my parents). That evening I visited one of the associate chaplains and his wife. It was a lovely and peaceful time, soon juxtaposed with a loud and chaotic movie night with my friends. We had ice cream sundaes and watched Cars (my choice), and we laughed and giggled the entire time. 

Tuesday was my last day and I'll be honest, tears were shed. The reality of leaving my friends for a year hit hard, and I cried a lot. I realized that even though I am excited for my next adventure and I don't want to be at Union, I still will miss the people a lot. Doing college without my college friends will be weird, but I know I will make more friends, more memories, and more stories to come back with in a short time. So as I cried while saying goodbye to them, I tried to remember that it's not forever. It's only about a year, and then I will be back with them again. It's not like I'm dying for goodness sake. In the meantime, thank God that there are text messages and FaceTime calls because those have been my saving graces when it comes to keeping in contact with people back home. I drove the 7 hours home and now get to spend some time with my family before I leave on Sunday. 

That last Monday night is a core memory I will have for
years to come: all my friends crowded on a couple beds, laughing and watching a childhood favorite movie on my last night at Union. It showed me that God had brought wonderful people into my life. Over the whole weekend, I thanked God over and over for placing such great people in my life. All the friends that I have there bring a certain and different sense of joy. I am incredibly grateful for everyone that I got to see and talk to. Many wished me well and told me that they were excited for me. I feel very blessed to have people rooting and praying for me. I know that I have found some of my best friends at Union. 

My days are counting down until I leave. It's crazy. I will keep you updated on all the preparations.




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