
Showing posts from November, 2023

Thankful for the Weekend

  Hello Blog People,      Just a little life update from over here in Florence. I wanted to tell you about my week last week and the fun little weekend trip I took.       Last week was a very chill week. We only had 3 days of classes, and one of our teachers was out so we didn't even have all our classes. It was nice to have a little bit of a break before an actual break lol. In those three days... - I went on a little roommate outing with Fabi and Patricia. We went to McDonalds instead of eating la Mensa one night and it was really good. It just felt nice to spend time with them outside of the room.  - On Tuesday I barely had any classes, so I took myself on a little date day. I went to a local market that's a few tram stops down in Dalmazia, looking for a few Christmas presents. Then I took the tram to another market, the biggest one in Florence, in an area that I had never been to before. This market was HUGE and was located in a park alon...

Thanksgiving Thoughts

  Hello Blog People! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I was reflecting this morning on being thankful and all the blessings that are in my life.  I have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I want to bring notice to some of the areas I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving.  First off, I'm thankful for my family. Being away from them has shown me how much they mean to me. I thank God every day for texting and FaceTime because I would be a weepy mess if I couldn't talk to them as much as I do. I'm thankful for my parents who helped me get over to Italy and made a way for this dream to come true. They are my biggest supporters and lifelines. I would be so lost without them. I'm thankful for my siblings and the times that we get to talk. I cannot wait to see them and spend time with them over Christmas. I'm thankful for my grandparents who are constantly praying for and thinking about me, and who faithfully read this blog. I cannot wait to see them when I get home. I'...

Siena: A Beautiful Community

  Hello Blog People!       Last week, the school took us to Siena for our weekly trip. I wasn't expecting a lot, but came back with tons of knowledge about Siena and a real appreciation for the city and its culture. In all honesty, it was a week ago and some details may be fuzzy, but I took notes so I can share those with you. The trip was very interesting, and I cannot wait to tell you about it.       The first thing you should know about Siena is that it is still kind of a Medieval city but in the best way. The city is broken into 17 contradas, all named after animals, that are kind of like clans. A person's identity is based on what Contrada they are a part of. Every part of life focuses on 2 horse races called the Palio (PAH-lee-o) that happen in July and August. This is a big deal in the city, everything focuses around it. They even keep track of years based on who won the Palios that year. All of this is just a part of normal life. Most...

Quick Little Update

  Hello Blog People! It's been a long time since I've written. I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm a week late on trips that I've taken, and I promise I'm working on the Siena trip and it should be up soon. I just wanted to give a little update on my life from the past few weeks. So here are the bullet points.  - The school chaplain is gone for a few weeks. He is in the U.S. going to a conference and spending time with his family. I'm excited for him, but that does mean that I have increased responsibilities. I have to play music or find musicians to play for each of the spiritual moments, and I had to help lead our Sabbath school last week. Most people are willing to help out, it's just a matter of finding the people. I cannot wait for a break at the end of the week, even though it won't be super restful because... - Over Thanksgiving break (which we do get here because most of the students are American and they want to make us feel at home) I'm going to a...


  Hello Blog People, Here are a million and one photos from my trip with little explications because why not?! So here ya go :) Made it to the UK Edinburgh!! My lunch on the first travel day. A vegetarian BLT and it was SO GOOD! St. Mary's Cathedral Our beds at the hostel Evensong service view :) On top of the lookout. Yes, we did go when it was dark out. But it was only a little sketchy :) Hot drink night walk Gelato before dinner (cause we can!) Note the Veggie Haggis to the right Panoramic castle views A real suit of armor Boxes made by prisoners What the castle prison would have looked like.  A cloudy day  Nevaeh in front of the castle I loved this park so much! Tall Gothic Monument  Amazing painting #1 Amazing painting #2 LOOK AT THE SHADOW FROM THE CLOUDS AND THE SKY ON THIS ONE MY FAVORITE!!!!! Amazing painting #3 This one of Niagara Falls was massive  English countryside ft. sheep Glasgow view  Sky rats Nevaeh and I St. Giles Cathedral Each little s...