Thanksgiving Thoughts


Hello Blog People!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I was reflecting this morning on being thankful and all the blessings that are in my life.  I have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I want to bring notice to some of the areas I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving. 

First off, I'm thankful for my family. Being away from them has shown me how much they mean to me. I thank God every day for texting and FaceTime because I would be a weepy mess if I couldn't talk to them as much as I do. I'm thankful for my parents who helped me get over to Italy and made a way for this dream to come true. They are my biggest supporters and lifelines. I would be so lost without them. I'm thankful for my siblings and the times that we get to talk. I cannot wait to see them and spend time with them over Christmas. I'm thankful for my grandparents who are constantly praying for and thinking about me, and who faithfully read this blog. I cannot wait to see them when I get home. I'm thankful for all my cousins aunts and uncles. Even if we don't talk often, I know they are thinking about me and are excited about me and all that I'm experiencing. 


Second, I'm thankful for my friends. Life would be so bland without people in it, and I have managed to find some bright, colorful people to fill my life with. My childhood friends, from elementary and middle school, have been constants in my life. The people that I met in high school who I still talk to to this day, and even those I just get to see when I go home. I have so many beautiful memories of those friends. For ALL the people I met at Union last year, either through work or classes or other friends. I am so so so blessed to have them  in my life. I'm thankful for my friend group and all the adventures  we have gone on, and the way they still check in, even when I'm across the world. I'm so grateful for the people that I have met while I've been here in Italy. I stand by the fact that everyone here is so incredibly kind and I am in awe of the way my circle of people has expanded. I have had some fun adventures with the people here, and  I know it's just the beginning. Christmas break is going to be hard because I won't see my ACA friends, and I am just so grateful to have met so many awesome people. I'm also thankful for my two awesome roommates who have given me a great experience here. I'm always thankful for my forever friends, my besties for the resties, the ones that I can call if I need anything at all. I love each and every one of you with my whole heart. As my friends here know, I could talk about my friends for HOURS, and you are the biggest blessing in my life. 

(To Emma, Quinn, Alexa, Mallory, Kylie, Liam, Ethan, Yve, Ethan N., Emma, Savannah, Izzy, Felicia, Jake, Matthew, Ben, Kyla, Teresa, James, Tricia, Brianna, Anna, Ainsley, Natalie, Aubrey, Emily, Sarah, Hannah, Fabi, Patricia, Miranda, Ryleigh, Nevaeh, Paige, Linda, Samantha, Jess, Clarissa, JESA, Stephanie, Melannie, Alana, Shailani, Spencer, Ryan, Jeff, Asher, Josiah, Jess, Olivia, Minah, Jessica, Gabby, Stacy, and ALL my other friends: I am thankful for you and I love you so much! <3)

Next, I'm thankful for everyone at home who has been supporting me and praying for me. From reading my blogs to randomly reaching out, all the love is greatly appreciated. I'm so thankful to have a large network at home that cares about me. I'm truly grateful for all of you. Every time I look at the stats from my blog and I see that at least one person has read my latest post, I get so excited. Thank you to everyone who has read my blog, whether it's one post that caught your eye or you are a consistent reader. I'm so grateful for you.  

Next, I'm so grateful for ACA and Villa Aurora. It should be obvious, but this year is so special and different, and every day I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to live in Florence and study Italian. As I've said, I've met some amazing students, volunteers, and staff, who care for and about me. I have gotten to travel and see the world in a way that pushes me and also makes me feel safe. I have gotten to go to one of my bucket list countries. I've started to learn a new language. I have learned SO MUCH about myself and grown as a person. This year is one of the most memorable and formative years in my life, and it's not even over. But this time is so valuable, this opportunity is so valuable, and I'm thankful every day that I get to experience it. 

Finally, I'm thankful for God. This year, I have grown closer to Him, going to Him with my struggles and pain, and learning to be honest with Him. I have seen Him work in my life and the lives of my friends. I have felt His presence in my life, and I am always learning how to live for Him. I have felt Him move inside me and lead me to share Him with others. God is so faithful, so loving, so merciful, and forgiving, and I'm so so thankful for Him. He takes away my anxiety and gives me peace. He is with me, even when I fail and don't prioritize Him like I should. He has brought me through hard times when I am in pain or just don't feel right. He is a constant and helps me when I feel lonely or isolated. He never changes, and for that, I'm so thankful.  I am thankful every day that I get to start my day and end my day with Jesus. He hears me when I pray to Him, and I know that my prayer will help not only myself but the list of people that I pray for every night. I'm so thankful for the way that I have grown with Him in this season of my life.

        "I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart...and give thanks to your name of your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted your word above all your name. On the day I called, you answer me; you made me bold in my soul with strength."- Psalm 138:1-3

Today, I will be sharing a big Thanksgiving meal with the staff and students here at Villa, thanks to the work of the Villa Aurora Kitchen Staff. I hope that each and every one of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Remember that there is a lot to be thankful for this holiday season, and remember, I'm thankful for you. Love you all so much!




  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Great post! We love and miss you!!


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