Little Update

 Hello Blog People,

    It has been a while...heh heh heh. Well, life has been crazy, but I want to update you guys a little bit and then let you know my plan for the rest of this blog. 

    Obviously, I returned to the States and have been back for almost 2 months. I flew back on June 4th, and it's taken a little time to readjust. I will probably say this later, but the culture shock was harder coming back to the U.S. than going to Italy. I guess I was expecting it to be the opposite. 

    The final quarter of Italy was crazy. I had a lot of people come and visit me, which was such a blessing. Plus I had classes and some travels. And obviously, through my busy schedule, I did not get to put out any blog posts. But I do want to finish this little account of my time, and the longer I procrastinate, the fewer memories and little anecdotes I will have. So here is what I'm going to do. 

    The next few posts will not be as detailed as the ones that came before it because, well, I don't remember as much. I will combine some experiences and write enough to jog my own memory and give you guys a taste of my last few months in Italy. I cannot wait to tell you about my Dolomites trip, our school trip to Puglia, and just the last few days in Florence. It was a lot, but I don't regret any of it. I'm so grateful I had the experience. 

    Hopefully, I get these out in a timely manner so they aren't hanging over my head anymore. And for those of you who are still reading these, even though they are months late, I'm grateful you care enough to take the time. 

    Anyway, hope to get a new post out soon. 




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